Hi Everybody!
How's it going???
Another week has passed and with it a lot of things have come and gone. The beginning of this week was pretty great, I felt strong, motivated and focused but on Wednesday we had a strike here in my city, everything stopped working and things got a little crazy and out of control, only people who has lived with anxiety&depression for a long time understand that when we're facing troubled times even the slightest unexpected change can disestablish us. As I have said for a million times, you learn how to cope with this feelings but they never really go away and from time to time they come back to confuse us but each time hopefully we're stronger and this time around I was and faster than the last time I started having insights about my current situation but also about the people I should trust and talk and it was liberating in a sense because the most difficult thing when we're going through this phase is to find a reliable person to talk to, some people chooses to do therapy but luckily someone have always had my back.
I didn't feel comfortable to go to college the rest of the week instead I took the time to process my feelings and by Friday I felt way better, all those strong sensations and thoughts became softer, the anger I was feeling about some people suddenly vanished and this made me feel so much better, in Buddhism we're always learning how much hate,anger and negative thinking can harm us but also how to recover from this state to a place where you can work and accept your emotions with an open heart and understanding so I own I lot of this equilibrium and equanimity to my meditation practice, I wanna talk about this here but I still have so much to learn and practice but any time soon I'll be teaching what I've learned and have worked for me, just wait.
One of the songs that can really describe this moment of waking up and standing up for yourself is a song that was originally written by Charlie Chaplin and years later recorded by Michael Jackson called "Smile" and there's a quote that I believe was responsible for one of the greatest Insights I had and it goes something like this, "Smile, what's the use of crying
?" and in that moment it became very clear to me that I needed to stand up, trust myself, act with the pride and dignity of an honest guy because I'd be calling out good energies for my life but most importantly I stopped carrying about other people's envy,bad mouthing and falseness because I act from a place of love and no one can touch that unless you let them.
Thanks for reading,
See you
Douglas Migliassi
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