Wow, It's been quite some time, huh?
How have you been?
To begin with I'd like to say that I was desperately wanting to come back for a while. Many things happened this year and it was (almost) impossible to keep posting with frequency. My last post was more than 6 months ago (I guess) and since then I took some time to rethink how I wanted my personal blog to look like from now on. I feel like I'm coming back full of ideas and energy to keep documenting all the personal experiences/topics that matter to me and I know you guys like to read about. My personal life has taken a very unexpected turn and like any other human being I needed some time to process everything (but this is an issue for another post) that's why I didn't feel like writing anything for a while. Well, All I wanted to say with this post is that I'm back and feeling pretty excited to put all my ideas into action.
I've got a bunch of new artworks I've done in the last few months and yes I'm planning to show them all to you don't worry. Actually we'll have every monthly post with every drawing I made during that month. Another project I'll keep on doing is sharing stories from experiences I had while traveling/living abroad as well as tips for travelers. Among many other topics I care about I'll keep writing about my opinion on current topics mainly on equality, LGBTQ+ rights, racism, sexism, politics, economy and self-help resources. To conclude, I'll also bring back posts in which I review books, music/musicals/movies to this blog I really enjoy doing reviews and I noticed that people like reading them so I'll bring them back as well. I know I forgot to mention something but that's it for now.
It's good to be back, as Dorothy would say "There's no place like home!".
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