Bye 2017
Welcome 2018
How's Everybody Doing?

Like every beginning of the year I reflect about the past year and set the goals and mindsets for the upcoming year and this year is not different. Last year was a game-changer for myself, my skills and abilities were tested all the time, I had to face lots of challenges on a daily basis and the world seemed like a chaos around me however what was very interesting to watch was how I
responded to all of it. The external obstacles I thought I had to face didn't really matter when I saw in myself so many things that could really use an improvement and that I did.
Last year I finished a cycle of my personal and professional life. I'm finally in a place where I can afford to go after my dreams, I've planned and saved my money long enough, I've got told off and underestimated long enough, I've pretend to be happy and excited for things that I wasn't long enough and I've had enough of it all... I've gathered all the strength and resources I needed to fund my future. I won't be naive to say there won't be problems and real obstacles because I know there will be, many actually but as I said I'm ready to start this new chapter, there are still many things I'll have to learn but I'm spontaneously excited to learn them.

Thank you 2017 for all the things you've thought me and the people around me but it's time for you to go and give some space for this new cycle to begin. I don't know why but I've got this feeling that
THIS YEAR will rule. The only resolution I'm committing myself to is
to be fully present and live in the moment. I won't let circumstances or daily problems take away precious moments that are happening in the now.
Thanks for reading... Oh and Happy New Year!
Best Wishes,
Douglas Migliassi
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