Late Christmas Post

Hi There,
How's it going?

  I know it will sound quite cliche but it seems like it was yesterday i was decorating the house for Christmas and here we are, doing it all over again. As you already noticed I'm not posting this on Christmas day nor even close to it but I've got a great reason for that. I made a promise that I'd be one hundred percent present in the moment and I'd live it without worrying about sharing the experience while I was still living it and it was the best thing I did, I could utterly and deeply experience it.

  Spending Christmas in my house is something I've always enjoyed for a number of reasons. Firstly, because my mother cooks THE BEST Christmas feast EVER! She's pretty good at cooking and she always surprises us every year... Secondly, the gift-exchange, it's our tradition since I can remember, we love to gather around the  Christmas Three and exchange gifts even with those who we're not that close, we do it outta place of love and kindness and this spirit is what I've come to know as the Christmas spirit and lastly but equally important is how we all want to have a peaceful and enjoyable night and to achieve this goal we put all of our differences aside. 

  What I will remember the most about last Christmas is how wonderful giving the presents was because this year I wanted to give something to each and everyone of my family that I'd be remembered for.But these two I'll tell ya gave me moments I'll never forget, To my sister I drew a portrait of her and framed it when I gave it to her she was really impressed with the artwork but also because this is what she wanted and she's asked me a hundred times and I said I didn't have the time to do it (When I was secretly working on it) and o my mother I created a video with all the pictures I had with just the two of us, it was an important moment of the night because I waited until everybody was done giving their present and we all sat down and watched it, before it was over she was crying out loud and when it was over she came to me to give one of the longest hugs I've ever had.

  That's all folks,

Douglas Migliassi


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