My Top 10 Friend's Moments + When I Saw The Friend's Apt in NYC
Hi There...
It's no news that I'm crazy about the tv show "Friends" you might have noticed that because I use gifs from the TV series all the time like any other kid from the 90's and early 00's. I've been wanting to write about my passion for the sitcom for ages but I was waiting for the right moment and it has finally arrived.I'll be listing my top 10 moments of the show and tell you what I really like about these moments and how I relate to them and in the end of the post I wanna show you and tell you about the day I saw the actual Friend's apartment in NYC.
1. When no one had plans.

This moment is really what sums up how I feel a lot of times. I feel like there's so much pressure on us to make something out of this life ad also to always know what we're doing that at times we might feel overwhelmed. So, I'm with ya Phoebe, I don't even have a "Pla". lol
2. Every time Chandler broke-up with Janice.

Breaking up is always something awkward and very uncomfortable for everybody I assume but watching chandler do it made me realize I know how to deal with it and in fact I'm pretty good at it, I don't feel proud about it but hey that's the truth. 'Cause you know, I don't see the point of wasting my time and the person's time keep us trapped in a dead relationship. So, I'm nothing like Chandler when it comes to breaking up with somebody but it's still pretty fun to watch him do it.
3. When they fought over money and showed us what friendship is really all about.

If you are the type of person who puts material stuff like money before your friends this episode is the one for you. I've had some problems with that as many of you may as well have had. The truth is, sometimes we need to go through it to learn it right and realize what's of pivotal importance for you. If that's money for you just skip this one.

Very often we feel disappointed because things are not the way we expect them to be, I mean, much of our suffering as human-beings come from this feeling of unmet expectation so this moment in the show made me think of how I project mine on people and on myself. At times I do it way to much.
5. Phoebe teaching Joey French.
Being a Teacher myself I don't even have to explain how much I identified with Phoebe in this episode. Sometimes it feels like my students are doing the same thing that Joey is, we say something and they repeat something completely different because they're not actually listening to themselves properly hence they can't actually hear what you're saying.
6. All the weddings.

Not many people know this about myself but I'll tell y'all that I love weddings and I totally see myself getting married some day and each time I saw someone getting married on the show, it felt like it could be me there. Except when it comes to one of Ross's weddings. They never last and again my expectation is that it lasts and I remember my fiance's name at the altar.
7. Ross and Monica's competitive moments. Especially the one with the Football Match on Thanksgiving.

This may be the first time I'll admit this and I'm aware of the complications of admitting this not only to you but for myself that I'm a very competitive person and this side of myself combined with my perfectionist side creates a very troubled person as you can imagine. Monica more than Ross is a perfect representation of this nature of mine. Because she's constantly in a contest with herself and I'm pretty much like that.
8. Phoebe's fake name moments.

I've always had fake names I mean artistic names. So I totally see myself in Phoebe when she uses her persona, Regina Phalange. Maybe because I've always been involved to art and sometimes you gotta leave yourself behind to get inspiration from other sources or I've had just for the fun of it the truth I don't actually know but we can all agree that she totally looks like Regina more than she does with Phoebe. I mean... don't you think?
9. Every-time Phoebe sang. Especially "Smelly Cat".

I believe everyone can sing, even if you don't do it for a living. You should always sing. Music heals the soul and you can really see how amazingly weird and twisted Phoebe is when you pay attention to her lyrics. I stopped composing when I was in high school but I never stopped singing it's a huge part of myself.
10. Rachel's job interview.

I don't like job interviews with that said I can't even express how much I loved to see Rachel's interviews 'cause they represent everything you think might go wrong in the moment you're there being interviewed. My worst interview doesn't even get close to any of hers. I mean, I never had my current boss at the same restaurant that I'm being interviewed at and worse listening while someone else ask why I wanna leave my current job.
I didn't follow any particular order I just remembered the important moments for me and wrote them down. I could name more than a hundred moments but I decided to keep it short (for now). The first time I was there in NYC believe or not I didn't know that the building really existed, I thought It was just a random building or a set built in Hollywood. I know, I was utterly uninformed but when I found out about it suddenly it became one of my "goals" in life. Hahaha,
This year I went to NYC and it was one of my top priorities in the city, well I chose a day I'd be totally free so I got the 1 train and left off at Christopher station and head out to 90 Bedford Street at the corner of Grove Street it's a 5-minute walk away from the station. When I was approaching the neighborhood I saw some people gathered on the corner of a street with their phones out taking pictures so I though "It must be there".
So I got my camera ready and when I looked up towards the sky I instantly recognized the building and I got emotional, I was finally there, accomplishing another "goal" of mine. Words can't explain, it was the moment where I knew things were changing in a lot of ways in my life and I should be grateful for them, I was in front of the friend's building for god's sake. The next thing I wanna do it NYC is going to the Central Perk cafe that they are currently building in the city but I've heard it won't be in the Friend's building it'll be somewhere else. After taking a lot of pictures not only of the building but also of the houses and other building nearby (because they were f* beautiful) I put my cameras in my bag and went home.

Thanks for reading...
Douglas Migliassi
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