Opinion: What's Going On BRazil?
Hi there, How is it going?
Today we'll get a bit political, shall we?
To begin with the story we must go back in time at least two years prior to the elections of 2018, What happened that year? President Dilma's Impeachment (now we see it more like a coup), at that time not only me but a large portion of the population believed that that was the only path to solve all the country's issues. It made total sense, they (The Worker's Party) didn't start the problem but they aggravated the problem to ten times worse hence if we take down this government we'll wash away all these people who have been stealing our country's wealth and things will be back to normal, which was a fast-growing economy. We were wrong. Just like Americans were when they elected Trump and the U.K were when they decided to leave the E.U.
I know you must think I'm loosing my mind, how could I compare these two events to what's been going on in Brazil? Yeah, at first it seems crazy but if you dig a little deeper on the topic you'll see I'm not (THAT) crazy. First of all, when we were going through the impeachment process we as a nation were being fed by all sorts of fake news through social media, yeah, do you remember what happened in the 2016 elections in the U.S? I know you do. The Russian interference and the insanely amount of fake news definitely played a HUGE role in that election and we all know it and it also had a great impact on how things turned out to President Dilma, the first woman to become president in Brazil. Just like in the U.S this process was full of lies, sexism, prejudice, ignorance and everything we know people are capable to express/do when they're not happy with a woman in charge. Hillary was ready to be a great President but Americans weren't. Dilma wan't ready to be our president but we too weren't ready to have a powerful woman in charge. As I said I was one of the people who supported it but I knew my intentions back then and I surely know them now, for me it was always a matter of making the right decision for the country's economy it was never my way to express my sexism towards a female leader, I had no problems with that and I still don't but I do recognize that this was the case for A LOT of people, even for women who didn't like her for other reasons.
A couple of months before the elections in the U.S, we had the U.K (United Kingdom) deciding to leave the E.U(European Union) and now you might ask me but Douglas what does it have to do with the current political situation in Brazil? Well friends, in the 21st century and after globalization we all (most people at least) agree that we are ONE NATION and we have to look after each other. With that said it is fair to say the U.K decided in favor of Brexit because of the refugee/immigration crises Europe has been facing for the past couple of years. Under the excuse that they are looking for a fair agreement and a solution to economic issues the right party convinced a tremendous amount of people to believe it was only an economic strategy rather than an act of xenophobia and prejudice. Just as people were lead to believe the Impeachment was the ONLY solution, ordinary people in Europe bought the ideas from those who were trying to sell bad deal wrapped in a good deal package.
Our democratic-elected President was Impeached, a new government took over and in the next two years we saw a freak show take place in our congress. More lies, more unpopular and noneffective reforms and laws were proposed and implemented. For a few months we thought things would get better but they never did, we still had more than 13 million people unemployed and our money was worth shit. We were discontent and angry. Definitely not a good combination prior to an election. But it seemed that people weren't doing a thing to change it at least not until the election.When the election began we saw this huge movement by the right party and the left to launch their candidates. We had 13 potential presidents, a great deal were with a lack of a better word to explain A JOKE and the other half were capable and ready to put things back in their place. Right in the beginning something of pivotal importance happened, 'Lula' (our former president) , which wasn't a smart decision from the workers party to choose as a candidate (because he's in jail) was stopped to continue in the "race" So they choose another candidate 'Haddad', a guy who was considered the WORST mayor São Paulo( the biggest city in the country) has ever had, again another poor decision but with a short amount of time and the enemy just around the corner ready to attack they had to bet on him.
Who's the enemy? I mean, he's not my enemy but he's definitely someone everyone should be aware of. His name is Bolsonaro, a retired military officer who' been serving the chamber of deputies since 1991 during his 26-year term he has been able to get only 2 projects approved in congress and his impact on the lives of people from the state of Rio de Janeiro wasn't a good one to be euphemistic. However since he became a 'Meme' over the internet because of his unfortunate comments on topics like, LGBTQ+ rights, Racism, Sexism, Feminism among others a legion of people who identify with this type of character started an online campaign for him the "MYTH" campaigners or as they're popular known now 'Bolsominions'. As a Gay man myself I have every right/reason in the world to disagree with this guy and I could never be a part of what people who support him stand for but here I'm interested in facts and the fact is that he became the 38th democratic-elected president of Brazil even though the numbers show it wasn't the majority od the population who voted for him and now people (including me) have the responsibility to fight for their rights because they are clearly in jeopardy, since he took over the office in the beginning of the month (actually even before that), he and his team of ministers have been saying and doing things that directly hurt our democracy, going against human rights, our education system, preaching and forcing ideals on people's minds and stealing indigenous people's lands just to name a few. Brexit has been proven to be extremely difficult to pull out and the Brits are asking for another referendum. People in the U.S elected Trump knowing the risks and it didn't pay off for them. Brazilians elected Bolsonaro also knowing the risks, is it going to pay off? I guess we'll see...
Links of reference:
- https://www.theguardian.com/news/2016/aug/31/dilma-rousseff-impeachment-brazil-what-you-need-to-know
- https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-32810887
- https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-latin-america-45458730/jair-bolsonaro-four-things-about-brazil-s-new-president
- https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/10/jair-bolsonaro-brazil-presidential-candidate-181007020716337.html

Thanks for reading!
Douglas Migliassi
Links of reference:
- https://www.theguardian.com/news/2016/aug/31/dilma-rousseff-impeachment-brazil-what-you-need-to-know
- https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-32810887
- https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-latin-america-45458730/jair-bolsonaro-four-things-about-brazil-s-new-president
- https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/10/jair-bolsonaro-brazil-presidential-candidate-181007020716337.html
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