I Hate Job Hunting
DAMN! What a week...
It's been a very long time since I last had to go job hunting which makes me feel kinda rusty and this time around things have really changed the whole experience 'cuz I'm not looking for a job in my field (As an English Teacher), I used to love job hunting when I knew I was THE SHIT in what I was doing but I'm not that confident now, you see, this first semester of 2019 I graduate from college which basically means it is time for me to find a new job, one that will challenge me to use everything I learned during all these years studying. To be honest I've been postponing this since last year. I knew I had to do it however a part of me was scared to death to do something I'm not as confident doing as I am in what I'm doing right now.
Truth be told, if I was happy where I am I wouldn't be working my ass off to pay my tuition so I can graduate and therefore get a new job that will pay me what I deserve. Don't get me wrong I LOVE teaching however in this country (Brazil) don't expect to be appreciated neither by your employer nor by your students the way you should. If you think about it, there's no reason you should do it only because you have the drive for it, in an ideal world we all would be doing only what we love and we would be rich but you can't have it both ways. I'll keep teaching but as a secondary job and if time allows. I feel like now it's the time to go hard and work harder than I have ever worked before 'cuz something cool is about to happen and I gotta be ready. I love the field I chose which is International Trade and I can't wait to be able to learn something new about it everyday, can't wait to have new colleagues, new problems, new challenges. I know it won't be easy (What is?) but just like I build myself a career up as an English Teacher from zero I'll do the same now in a profession that will provide me what I've been lacking all these years, which is stability. It's no child's play anymore. Time to play BIG.

My routine now is essentially, waking up relatively early, having large meals, sending out resumes, replying e-mails, waiting for hearing back from companies and going to bed relatively early. Some days I'm really confident something good will come around but some other days the feeling of doubt and uncertainty fills me up and I get so overwhelmed that I can't even move. It paralyzes me. I fear that I won't be able to pay my bills, I fear I'll spend all my savings before I get a job and it keeps going on and on 'till I'm tired and give in to the fear. Today I'm having one of those (rare) great days and as always I try to use a day like this to get the most done.
Douglas Migliassi
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