mates... How's life?
We could start this post in so many ways but
I feel like explaining why this topic matters to me is the best way to do it.
We all (or at least most of us) think we know what friendship is right? Well,
culturally it has countless meanings but what matters the most is how we deal
with it on our everyday lives because it does affect the way we relate to
people, at work, in our families and just in general. I've struggled for years
to keep the friends that I had because I didn't understand WTF a friendship is.
I expected way too much and delivered way too little as a friend myself. Now
I've gotten to a point in my life where I feel comfortable building
friendships, I'm neither scared nor worried it won't work out. I understood
that a huge part of my failures in friendships were due to how I was raised by
my parents, I mistakenly believed in a lot of the crap my parents made up about
friendships because they haven't learned (till this day) to build healthy and
reliable connections with people themselves. I'm really excited to dig deep
into this matter and learn a little more about something so important to human
survival. I guess that's why we need each other after all, for survival, right?
To help us develop a concept of what
friendship is, let's take into consideration what great philosophers have said
about it in the past. The Roman orator Cicero said "A Friend Is, As It
Were, A Second Self", reading it now makes total sense but a younger
me wouldn't get this at all, because having a second self DOES NOT mean having
someone to tell you what to do. They might listen with an
open heart and serve you with a good piece of their best advice but that's
about it and you don't even have to necessarily do what they say because at the
end of the day, you are the one who should be calling the shots. I've learned not to lean on
friends to rescue me. If you think about it, that's YOUR job not your friends, it will keep you safe
from disillusion and frustration. It seems hard to do because it is but hey are
relationships supposed to be easy? Answer that question first to understand why
you think people are so difficult to deal with and don’t forget you are a
person yourself. So people might feel the same way about you too.
Zeno said "A friend is our alter ego", and I don't know if I agree with that entirely though I get what he is saying.
To illustrate I’ll tell you a story that happened when I began to write this
article. I'll be changing names for obvious reasons, let's call this friend
Meg. So, Meg used to tell me we were like twins, because it seemed like
everything that happened to her was also happening to me at the same time and
we got caught up in these similar life stories and we began to build this great
friendship on the fact that we were meant to be best friends until recently when I realized she tried to project her own
feelings and emotional problems onto myself... Yeah so be careful with that kind
of friendships 'cause if you don't know who you are you can easily lose yourself. From now on I'll be very vigilant and I won't be calling anyone my twin
for a while except if the person is really my biological-long-lost twin who was
kidnapped at the hospital and my parents never told me anything to protect my
feelings. I mean, you get the point. If nothing, this story showed me how
important fighting for our own sense of individuality in any relationship is.
Lucretius on the other hand put it in a way
that best serves what I choose to believe, he said "We are each of us,
angels with only one wing, and we can only fly embracing one another", it
beautifully describes a healthy and meaningful friendship to me. I believe
we're supposed to lift each other up, be supportive in a way that the other
person feel secure knowing that somebody is there but more importantly when the
time comes to ask for help the person will immediately do so. I don't believe
in relationships where only one has to sacrifice or to commit. It takes two to
build or to wreck any kind of relationship. So as I see it we are supporters of
the people we choose to be so now it is important to understand why we choose
them in the first place. Because I’ve seen people come and go in my life and I
can totally see a pattern among the people I choose to be friends with.
Models of friendship
show that there are two main categories of factors that influence our choice
and pursuit of potential friends: individual factors and environmental factors.
Individual factors include such influences as approachability, social skills,
self-disclosure, similarity, and closeness. Environmental factors include
influences such as proximity, geography, activities, and life events. Research
continues to support our preferences for friends who we believe to be similar
to ourselves and who have personalities that we enjoy being around; choosing
friends such as these most likely decreases the possibility for interpersonal
We might doubt our ability to make and keep a
friend but at the end of the day as I've said before it’s not only your job to
do so. See friends as you see the flowers in your garden, you’ve got a couple
of things to do to keep them alive and healthy like watering them often and the
same applies to your friends. Talk often, be vulnerable when you feel like it,
call them at 3a.m in the morning for advice, plan to do something crazy
together but also do nothing together and most importantly respect each other
individual journey. This generation has so many tools to keep in contact with thousands of people and yet the statistics say people are becoming more depressed and lonely. Stay true to what you believe in and understand that you’ve gotta follow your own path, friends will follow or they will go away but if you spend your
days at mercy of what people expect you to do you won’t have friends but bosses.
We give love, support and comprehension as friends but remember it is a two-way
street darling if it's not working out for the both of you, you can always make new friends, ending a friendship shouldn't be a dramatic experience, just like breaking up with a boyfriend/girlfriend shouldn't as well, sometimes things just don't work out, plain and simple. But when it does, it's so much fun!
for reading guys!
to y’all next time.
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