Is Amazon Going To Unite Us?
For the past two weeks we've been watching on the news this thing with the Amazon and quite honestly it doesn't surprise me much but I do understand why the whole world is appalled by what they're seeing. When President Bolsonaro was just a candidate (and even before that) he had made his intentions crystal clear and exploiting Amazon's riches as much as he could was one of them. He said he'd "turn it into money" quoting his own words hence this chaos isn't much of a shock to me but by any means I'm saying it is a valid reason. It isn't and here's what I think.

One of the reasons I didn't vote for him was because I read and saw a bunch of stuff on his political projects for the country, they were more like a wish-list instead of a well-written political proposal on crucial sectors, (but hey how much can we expect from a person who's mentor/guru is Olavo De Carvalho, a guy who supports the "Flat Earth Theory".) His ideas didn't attract me at all and to be fairly honest, They scared the S* out of me.
Today I pray, not only for lost fauna and flora of the Amazon but also for my fellow Brazilians specially for those who blindly voted for him I want them to start questioning things, I hope they'll put their ideologies and political beliefs on hold for a bit to go to the streets to demand immediate solution but also to tell their president to swallow his pride/ego and accept help from who's willing to help. We can not afford to waste any money designated to the preservation of the Amazon, it is located in our territory but before we claimed it as ours it belonged to the earth therefore it belongs to every nation thus globally we must do everything we can to preserve it.
France's President Macron said that we deserved someone who will live up to the countries' importance after Macron himself tried to help and got offended by the President who tried to humiliate him comparing their wife's beauty in an act of childish anger. I don't know how much we can expect from a person who's a bit of a psychopath tendencies mixed with a compulsive lying habit however we can talk to people to show them that regardless of our political views some things affect everybody, with no exception. Either you like it or not we do have more in common than you'd think. Life becomes so much lighter once you accept it. I encourage you to test it yourself, next time you're at the bus stop turn to a stranger and complain about the inefficient public transportation, I'm sure you'll have a long and pleasant small talk.
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