My Father Finally Found Out About My Relationship And He's Okay With It

   Yeah things have been crazy lately and to be completely honest with you guys I've had some troubles to adjust to all these changes. Firstly, I must say they aren't bad, they're mostly awesome however they are things I thought I'd never have. Not in this lifetime at least. Secondly, I'm pretty happy to share with you that my father (as you might already know from the title of this post) finally found out about my relationship and is handling the whole situation much better than we all expected. 

  Let me tell you the whole "T". A couple of weeks ago my father had an accident with one of his gardening tools and he ended up having a major cut on his knee and by major I mean super duper MAJOR cut. My mother video-called me immediately in tears to ask my boyfriend to help her. I never said this in here but my boyfriend is a nurse, which you already know what it means. We ask his professional opinion for EVERYTHING related to health&medical issues. 

  My boyfriend offered help, saying that we would go there to take him to the hospital. I thought they'd decline the offer but all she said was a not convincing "you don't have to" so we knew we had to go, even though they were far away from us, they were in my family's country house. We didn't have much time to think about it so we got the basics and left. But we got there in less than a hour and a half. Took him to the nearest public hospital and did everything we had to until he was better to take him to my mother. 

  Once everything was solved, we decided to comeback 'cause Alan (my boyfriend) had to work the next day. So we had a coffee with my parents and they got the chance to talk for a bit. My father ended up asking if my boyfriend could take care of his cut for the next 10 days until it was time to take off the stitches. He said yes with the biggest smile on his face. And the following two weeks after that made them get even closer. They'd chat a lot every time he was here to clean the cut and wrap it in bandages properly everyone was shocked and impressed. 

  On my father's birthday which was last Wednesday (August 12th) my father even made a speech saying that he was very happy that he got to meet him and also that he was welcomed to come here whenever he wanted because to quote his own words "This was now his house too"Andy Dwyer Shocked - GIF - Imgur

And that is how things happened. I couldn't be happier. This is a proof that believing in the human capacity to grow and evolve pays off. It was a journey to get here but I'm glad I never gave up. I always respected my father's opinion on homosexuality. And he always respected me as his son. Now I get to share with him one of the best things that has ever happened to me. 

Talk soon,



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