Christmas 2020

  What a crazy year we've had, am I right? I know we're all tired, sad and uncertain of where we're going as far as the future is concerned. However, Christmas came and I don't know about you but I've always loved this holiday. It's the one time of the year I let all the bullshit that happened behind me and try to enjoy myself and my family for 2 straight days. 
  This year in particular was even more special because it was the first time I spent Christmas at home not living there anymore furthermore it was the first time I took a boyfriend home for the holidays. I had no concern towards that because he was so well received by everybody at my parent's house that there wouldn't be any reason to be any different now. He even said to me that the experience of spending Christmas with us redefined what this holiday meant for him. 
  We exchanged gifs, we ate (quite a lot) and drank. My mother drank a little bit to much, it was funny to see it. That happened on the day before Christmas, the next day we had lunch together and my boyfriend went to his grandmas. I stayed home and watched movies with my sister in law,  niece, brother and mother. When my boyfriend came back and went home and enjoyed the rest of the evening ourselves. First Christmas in my apartment with a boyfriend. 
This year has been difficult but I've got a lot to be thankful for.

And I am. For reals


Douglas Migliassi 


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